I’m a bit of a hoarder when it comes to my old projects- I don’t know why. They’re like my babies, and I drive myself crazy thinking about how much time I’ve spent drawing sometimes. It’s my favorite thing to do, though. Anyways, inevitably art becomes too old and annoying for me to keep in my portfolio, but I also don’t want them to only exist in a folder on my computer.

Some other (larger) old projects include

  • Dani and Ramen, which you can find [ HERE ]
  • Eunoia Tarot Deck, which you can find [ HERE ]

It’s funny how different an artist’s identity must be now versus what it’d have been a hundred years ago. The only way you’d have known if someone liked your art is if you saw their face as they looked at it. Now we get instant feedback, criticism, and neglect of art. I don’t want passion to go to waste, even though it’s also important to grow up as an artist, and move on.

My first year-long challenge was to draw a full illustration, based on a prompt that I made up. I think I got a few dozen people to participate, and it was a real good time.

This series was great for my instagram algorithm, because it got me to post every day for a month during the month of October for the Inktober challenge (which I renamed DigiTober to suit my needs).

I’ll spare everyone on old pieces of my portfolio that pre-date 2019. There’s just too much of it, and it’s quite honestly pretty much trash. You can dig through my instagram history if you’re really that interested (although why would you be?)