The Forelords Trading Card Game is a pet project of mine that I’ve been excitedly collaborating with Mark Swanson (founder of OddBird) on. It started in my attempt to make the most of my illustrations, and the world I wanted to build, but in the process it became one of the coolest things to take part in the building of. I can honestly say, it’s a fun game. It’s competitive, quick, and nuanced. So big shoutouts to Mark for that!

My greatest joy in the project has to be participating in the design elements of the game itself. Learning as much as I could about Iconography, tokens, figures, packaging, marketing, and rulebooks has provided an education far beyond school ever could.

As far as the rules go, you’ll just have to stick around and follow along. No spoilers…

Each release of the game will feature a companion story, either in the form of a graphic novel or written novel. The first story is called Sweeping Sand, and features the two biomes Lowlands and Highlands.

The game is a 1v1 competitive TCG, where people play as a biome-themed faction. These biomes include Lowlands, Highlands, Wetlands, Greenlands, Frozenlands, Urbanlands, Strangelands, and Deadlands.