Eunoia Tarot
The first series of illustrations I ever did was a collection of astrological watercolor paintings. I guess I’ve always had a fascination with symbology and mysticism. I learned a lot from astrology, as well as from this project- the Eunoia Major Arcana Deck. I try not to discount any ideologies, and in terms of visual opportunity, one must admit tarot decks are rife.

Eunoia is what first got me to think about paper engineering, package design, and making card games as well! I became obsessed with the appearance of the thing- making sure every fold and flap was accounted for and incorporated into the design. Even though it never got made, I won’t give up on the prospect of possibly making another one someday.

The illustrations themselves are more or less random, with plans for theming the minor arcana (which never manifested). The project was mostly a success for exploring a new illustration style, and recovering from the overly cartoony influence of Dani and Ramen and older projects.